速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Gerrit Dou Artworks Stickers

Gerrit Dou Artworks Stickers


檔案大小:9 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Gerrit Dou Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 75 stickers of Gerrit Dou Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Officer of the Marksman Society in Leiden

- Rembrandt's-mother

- Artist in His Studio

- Heraklith

- Man Interrupted at His Writing

- Still Life with Globe, Lute, and Books

- The Extraction of Tooth

- Self Portrait

- Still Life with a Boy Blowing Soap bubbles

- Interior with a Young Violinist

- Woman Eating Porridge

- Old Woman Praying

- Portrait of a Man

- Portrait of a Woman

- Portrait of a Young Woman

- Self Portrait

- Woman Pouring Water into a Jar

- Bust of a Man

- Portrait of an Old Woman

- The Bible Lesson, or Anne and Tobias

- The Teacher

- Portrait of a Woman

- The Painter in his Workshop

- The Village Grocer

- A Sleeping Dog with Terracotta Pot

- The Dutch Housewife or, The Woman Hanging a Cockerel in the Window

- The Quack

- The Physician

- Violin player

- Astronomer

- Old Woman Cutting Bread

- Self-portrait with a Palette, in a Niche

- A cat at the window of a painters' studios

- Self-portrait in a Window

- The Young Mother

- Cardplayers at Candlelight

- Still life with candle

- The Young Mother

Gerrit Dou Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Woman in a Black Veil

- The Dropsical Woman

- The Silver Ewer

- Weighing Gold

- A Lady Playing the Clavichord

- Astronomer by Candlelight

- Dentist by Candlelight

- Old Woman Unreeling Threads

- Old Woman Watering Flowers

- Self-Portrait

- The cook

- The Night School

- Trumpet Player in front of a Banquet

- The Lady at Her Dressing Table

- Violin player

- A Hermit Praying

- A Poulterer's Shop

- The Hermit

- The old schoolmaster

- The Grocery Shop

- The herring seller

- An Old Man Lighting his Pipe in a Study

- Anna and blind Tobit

- Burgomaster Hasselaar and His Wife

- Girl Chopping Onions

- Grace Before Meat

- Man with Easel

- Officer of the Marksman Society in Leiden (detail)

- Old woman with a candle

- Portrait of a couple in a landscape

- Portrait of a Man

- Portrait of a woman

- Portrait of an old woman reading

- Portrait Of The Artist In His Studio

- Self-Portrait

- Still life with armor, shield, halberd, sword, leather jacket and drum

- Still Life with Book and Purse

- Still Life with Hourglass, Pencase and Print

- The Doctor

Gerrit Dou Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- The prayer of the spinner

- Woman Peeling Carrot

Gerrit Dou Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad